Why You Should Build A Strong Lead Funnel

A great lead funnel will give you the best opportunities.

“Lead Funnels” has become a huge buzz phrase in the world of online marketing. If you have interest in marketing your business online, you’ve probably seen a lot of ads for the latest “click funnel” or “lead funnel” gimmick. After all, the purpose of marketing is to gather more leads.

The phrase is used to describe a process of nurturing potential buyers through the process and lead them to a sale. Usually an automated system, it involves several steps that take your audience from casual interest to eventual sale. Correctly implemented, this process can help you increase your sales tremendously.

Leads Are The Main Reason For An Online Presence

Your website, social media, and pay-per-click ads online exist primarily to gather more sales. Leads represent the potential you have for more sales. That’s why these tools are worth the time and money spent to make them exist.

Without the leads they provide, they hold no value and therefore aren’t worth having. Therefore, the goal is to do everything you can to get them to produce more leads. Building a strong lead funnel is the best way to make that happen.

Lead Funnels Are Not A Get-Rich-Quick Tool

If you have noticed the lead funnel gimmicks, you may have also noticed that most of them make outlandish promises. For example, some claims have been made that systems will grow your business to over $1M in revenue in just 30 days. That seems insane, and it is.

Great lead systems can’t make promises like this, but they can accurately promise steady lead growth. The reason those extreme results can’t be promised is that they rely on too many factors that the lead funnel has no control over, like profit margins or the nature of your business. However, more reasonable growth levels can be expected by putting a great lead funnel in place.

Lead Funnels Provide Automation For Sales Growth

One of the common promises of a lead funnel gimmick is an automated system for lead gathering. This promise is one that can be kept. A great lead funnel will have automation components that range from timed emails to scheduled social media ads. Here’s why that automation is great for your business.

Leads Aren’t Always Ready To Buy Right Now

You know as well as anyone else that some people aren’t ready to buy immediately. They’re looking for information to help them decide if your product, service, or company is right for them. They visit your site, offer their information, then decide to wait.

Lead funnels provide a way to help inform those leads about why your offering is the right decision. Through a series of emails and blog content, leads can be fed knowledge laced with reasons to buy. This feed becomes food for the side of their brain that’s interested in becoming your client, helping to shift them towards the decision to purchase.

People Buy From Companies They Trust

In many cases, leads gathered through your website are trying to find out which company will be by their side through the purchasing process. They want to know more about you than if your product is a fit. Will you help them if they have problems? Do you stand for something that matters? Is your company an industry leader, full of knowledge about the problem that your product solves?

Lead funnels are a great tool to help build trust in your company. The information you share using those funnels shows that you are the authority they can go to for their specific need. Your company can share the ways it’s helped clients in the past to overcome issues with the product you offer. And, of course, it can be used to inform the lead that you stand up for the issues that matter to your clients. They build the foundations of trust.

Lead Funnels Help Gather More Attention

When people choose which product to buy, they’ll almost always choose it from a company they remember. Familiarity equals comfortability, and your ability to stay familiar is made stronger by a great lead funnel.

By communicating frequently through a lead funnel, your brand and company are placed at the forefront of your market’s attention. They’ll find you on a regular basis in their inbox, where they prefer to get communication. When they see your name often, it breeds the familiarity that will offer comfort in their buying decision.

Set Up Your Lead Funnel To Succeed

While a great lead funnel is important, it’s also easy to mess up. However, if you have a plan, you’re certain to see more success. Dig into your website and make sure you’re taking all the steps to drive your target audience through your lead funnel and start seeing more growth.

Why You Should Build A Strong Lead Funnel

by Michael McNew Read in 3 min
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